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Dimensions : 150 x 150 px

Dimensions : 150 x 150 px
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Legendary Coin - bande dessinée scan

Par anubistt

The story is centered around a male lead called If who fights for his love. If is in deep love with Ting, and one day he is about to propose to Ting. But a monster suddenly appears and kills Ting. To discover the truth and save Ting, If has to participate in the angel's coin game. The winner of this game will get the chance to go back in time. Finally, If defeats the monster with his super power, but the game is far from over. He realizes that the angel is playing with humans for fun endlessly. To save Ting, If has to think of ways to stop this rediculous game. Will he succeed in the end? Uncover the mystery by yourself.

Projet terminé MAJ
Ce projet participe au concours « Global Comic Awards 2024 »
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{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_views) }}
{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_likes) }}
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